Sunday, September 30, 2007

Senator Clinton's Baby Fund

Senator Clinton has it all wrong with her proposal that the government should give every newborn child 5,000 dollars. I realize that her campaign strategy is that if she behaves as the panderer in chief she will become the commander in chief, but I think she'd be better off proposing the exact opposite. Instead of setting up a baby fund, the government should pay 5,000 dollars to every woman of child bearing age who agrees not to have a baby. This proposal would help control population growth, which would reduce global warming, and it would also result in fewer abortions and unwanted births. In addition, it would select for good parents, since any woman willing to forego the money would likely be committed to parenthood. Finally, it would select against bad parents, since anyone who would sacrifice the joy of raising a child just to get the money probably should not be a parent. We pay farmers not to grow crops, so maybe she could just add my proposal as an amendment to the next farm bill.

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